Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Finishing Touches!

I glued some extra brace into the top of the guitar around the existing sound hole. Resonator guitars done have a traditional soundhole, but I decided to not plug it for a few different reasons. 

1) I didn't plug it because I am making this 'original' and I sort of want to keep it (more like a hybrid of sorts..)

2) I didn't feel like cutting new ones

3) I just really didn't feel like it at all. hah

I forgot to take a picture, but after gluing the sound well, I checked to make sure everything was together as it should, and started to glue the back on. This picture shows my high-tech clamping system I have going on. I ended up adding three more pint sized paint cans for the extra pressure just to be sure.

Tomorrow I need to add the cover plate, and re-string, and I should be done for now! I want to update the old shot bone nut, but don't really have the time or the patience to do it right now. I really just want to play it and see if it works as I was hoping.

Almost there!

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